Use allweblists adocka viewmodel into your website

To increase user experience, Adocka provides different weblists to add products and categories to that lists. So all clients can create lists and sort their lists product and categories according to their need; 

Step 1. To add products to any weblists

    Go to:  Inställningar / Företagsinställningar / Weblistor
Step 2. Add any viewmodel to your page ,  allweblists  viewmodel in this case
     Go to that particular view from Applikationer  then  Vyinställningar / Använd Vymodel (Select viewmodel from list)
Step 3. Bind your product property to your layout
    To add products in your website from any particular web list you can use following product property given as example. In this  example, General_Web_List_Id == 10. 10 is a any particular web list id.
{% for item in Model -%}
    {% if item.General_Web_List_Id == 10 -%}
    	{% assign Sorted_Items = item.Items | sort: "ListOrder" -%}
    	{% for item in Sorted_Items -%}
         {% endfor -%}
     {% endif -%}
 {% endfor -%}

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